With each order you will receive a free digital proof for approval from Pasco. If you are still in doubt, then you can already request a digital proof here.
Does not exist.
Select your preferred delivery date here. Do you need it sooner? We advise you to place the order immediately so the deadline will not be compromised.
With this option you cannot choose a delivery date, but you receive 5% discount on your order.
The minimum quantity unprinted for this product is 1008 pieces.
The minimum quantity printed for this product is 1008 pieces.
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My print file (vector EPS, PDF or AI)
To be able to make a free digital proof (a digital mockup), we need a vector file in EPS, PDF or AI format. Attention: saving a JPG as PDF or EPS is pointless. To vectorise the file you need a professional program such as Adobe Illustrator. No vector file at hand? Place your order directly and Pasco makes it for you free of charge.
Details of your request (Optional)
Company name
First name
E-mail address We will send you a confirmation e-mail and free digital proof.